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H-GAC Transportation Policy Council (incl. NHHIP agenda item)

The Transportation Policy Council (TPC) of the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) will hold a virtual meeting at 9:30 am on Friday via Zoom. Item #8 on the meeting agenda is approval of a resolution for the TxDOT North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP - aka the I-45 expansion project). The resolution was developed by a TPC work group following the voluminous feedback on the project and “documents the commitments from the City of Houston, Harris County, Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Texas Department of Transportation, and the Transportation Policy Council of the Houston-Galveston Area Council … to cooperate as described herein to better address planning and implementation efforts of the NHHIP.” Relevant information appears on pages 21-30 of the meeting packet. Time is reserved for public comment near the beginning of the meeting.