Our next general meeting will be Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 7:00 pm via Zoom.

To avoid conflicts with the upcoming holidays, there will be no November meeting and a December meeting will be held as a videoconference on Thursday, December 12 at 7:00 pm. In order to participate in this meeting, please send an RSVP, including your name and association, to officers@neartown.org. We will send information to join the Zoom conference the week before the meeting.

To learn about this and future meetings, if you are not on our regular email list, please subscribe here.

To view minutes or video recordings of previous meetings, visit the Minutes Archive.


About Neartown meetings


General meetings: For 2024, our general meetings will be the fourth Tuesday of February, March, April, June, July, August, October, and November.


The Women’s Home, 2nd floor conference room
607 Westheimer Rd.
Houston, TX 77006

Access to the conference room is through the west side door (next to the parking lot) then directly up the stairwell to the second floor.

Parking is available in the lot immediately adjacent to the west side of the building.


At these meetings, we discuss matters of current concern to Neartown stakeholders, hear updates on City of Houston, Harris County, Montrose TIRZ, and METRO activities, share news from Neartown member organizations, and more. We’re often joined by guest speakers who shed light on important topics.

In 2024 we will hold a Presidents' Council meeting every four months, beginning in January. We ask that each Neartown neighborhood association have their President or designated board representative attend.

Neartown general meetings will be held at least four times during the year, beginning in February.

Neartown general meetings are open to the public. Please join us to learn more about your super neighborhood and share your ideas and interests. Sign up for email updates to receive reminders and agendas for upcoming meetings in your Inbox!


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