Positive Interaction with Police Program (PIP) – HPD Chief's Citywide PIP Meeting
HPD hosts a citywide PIP meeting at 1602 State St. the second Tuesday of odd numbered months.
The Citywide PIP meeting will also be livestreamed, with ASL Interpreter and Captioning provided on the HPD YouTube Page. Real-time captions will be available at:https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=CitywidePIP
March program: Harris County District Attorney's Office
The education of the citizens of Houston on how their police department functions is essential to the PIP program. Once a citizen understands how the police department does its job, that citizen can better relay to the police department their neighborhood needs.
The free flow of information and ideas gives us both a better understanding of each other's needs and expectations. This fosters trust and friendship between citizens and the police department that serves them. Cooperation between the Houston Police Department and the citizens is imperative in the reduction of crime and enhancing the overall quality of life in their neighborhoods.