Quality of Life (QOL) Chair Robert Gallegos and Regulatory and Neighborhood Affairs (RNA) Chair Sallie Alcorn will be holding a special-called joint committee meeting this Monday, June 1 at 2 pm via Microsoft Teams Live to discuss the Solid Waste Department's Long Range Management Plan. The committee meeting will be streamed on HTV or can be watched online here: https://bit.ly/QOLRNAJune1.
Public comment will be allowed via videoconference; no in-person input will be allowed. To sign up for public comment, please fill out the form at https://bit.ly/QOLRNAPublicComment before 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 1. Only those who sign up in advance will be able to provide public comments during the meeting. Public speakers will receive a specific link and call-in number that will allow them to be able to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting at their designated time to speak.
For more information, please contact Jordan.McGinty@houstontx.gov.