The City Council approved water/wastewater increases take effect Sep 1. Learn more.
(Updated July 28.2021)
At the June 23, 2021 Houston City Council meeting, City Council Members adopted the proposed increase to our water and wastewater rates. New rates will take effect September 1, 2021.
You have seen probably seen or heard reports on this in the media, but may still have questions about what is happening and how it may affect you. This article includes information and links to help answer those questions.
Mayor’s Office Press Release on approved water and wastewater increases
Our District C Council Member Abbie Kamin’s office has provided some background on how the water/wastewater system is funded and processes involved in establishing these rates. Key points:
Impact fees and water/wastewater rates are the two revenue sources for the city’s Combined Utility System (CUS), and are both studied or reviewed every 5 years. Based on the results of the study or review, HPW may recommend that Council adopt impact fee and water and wastewater increases.
Previously, City Council voted to approve increased impact fees for new development; these are paid by developers one time when a new connection is made. Developer Impact fees are used to cover the cost of infrastructure improvements to serve new development so that growth pays for growth.
Revenue from utility bills (determined by water/wastewater rates) is used to fund operations and maintenance of the CUS and to pay to replace and upgrade the existing infrastructure, including debt service.
The CUS is fully funded by the fees described above, and these funds can only be used on operations and maintenance for the water and wastewater system, and to replace and repair water/wastewater infrastructure.
HPW has pointed out that the revenue requirements for the CUS must factor in the federal consent decree with the EPA.
Water/Wastewater Rate FAQ (page 3 contains a table showing details of increases at different levels of usage)
Houston Public Works (HPW) presentation to Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee