TxDOT survey includes yea or nay question on I-45 expansion project.
Known formally as the North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP), the project is open again for public comment as part of the Unified Transportation Program (UTP), TxDOT's 10-year plan. To be considered, public comments must be received by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 9, 2021. Details on how to submit comments are on the UTP Public Involvement web page. If you view the online comment form, you'll note only two choices of comments for the I-45 NHHIP: "Support maintaining project and funding as proposed" or "Support removing project and funding." Their is space under item 1 for detailed comments. The agency is also accepting comments by email.
For more on this, read LINK Houston's perspective: Through a flawed public comment process, the Texas Transportation Commission will consider removing the North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP) funding from the Houston Region