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NEW DATE & VENUE: H-GAC High Capacity Transit Task Force at Transportation Policy Council

  • Houston District Office of the Texas Department of Transportation 7600 Washington Avenue, Auditorium Houston, TX, 77007 United States (map)

The purpose of the April 5th meeting is to review the Draft 2045 Regional Transportation Plan and seek the Transportation Policy Council approval to obtain public comments on the plan. A key component of this presentation will be the High Capacity Transit (HCT) Task Force report on the economic impacts, cost benefit analysis, and project recommendations.  CoH Council Member and HCT Task Force Co-chair Amanda Edwards invites Neartown residents to this meeting to learn about the plans for the region.

The H-GAC Transportation Policy Council (TPC) has the responsibility of recommending and approving regional transportation projects. The High Capacity Transit (HCT) Task Force provides the TPC an opportunity to analyze the economic impact of transit on our region, and to provide for better regional coordination. The HCT Task Force will (1) identify a transit vision for 2045 based on travel demand and other considerations, (2) identify costs of these options and revenue sources, and (3) explain the economic impact for these options in an effort to formulate the 2045 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and a vision for the future of mobility in the eight county Houston-Galveston region.